Hello! We have collected the best tools for pattern lovers especially. This is Pattern Design Kit – set of 6 magic scripts which help you create seamless patterns in Adobe Illustrator. Now you can have a discount 30% for this deal. And there is free bonus inside – Fast Patterns Templates.

Pattern Design Kit
There are 6 useful Illustrator tools. You get a discount 30% buying them all. Special price is $36 (VAT can be added).
1. Magic Pattern Pro Illustrator script creates patterns on the Artboard by one click quickly and easily.
2. Random Pattern Pro Illustrator script creates random patterns with different settings.
3. Super Magic Eraser Illustrator script is the best crop tool for Adobe Illustrator.
4. Stock Master Pro Illustrator script which prepares and exports vector illustrations for microstocks automatically.
5. Similar Maker Light Illustrator script. Replace objects fast and easy. Shuffle all randomly. Redesign your pattern in seconds.
6. Fast Patterns Templates for Adobe Illustrator. Just place your design in the template and get 10 different seamless patterns automatically.

Hurry up! Buy Pattern Design Kit for only $36 (VAT can be added).
Do you want download free scripts? Check this link – Download for free